Main page | Study Branches/Specialization | Groups of Courses | All Courses | Roles                Instructions
PE - compulsory economics courses | PJ - compulsory English examination | PO - compulsory courses in the field | PP - compulsory courses for the programme | PS - compulsory courses in the specialisation | PT - compulsory physical education courses | PV - elective courses from a compulsory group of courses | PZ - compulsory courses in the focus area | V - elective courses | VE - elective economics and management courses from a compulsory group of courses | VH - elective humanities courses from a compulsory group of courses | VO - elective courses in the field or specialisation from a compulsory group of courses
This is a list of all groups of courses and their requirements to complete the group. Each group plays a particular role in a study plan.
It is not enough for a student to accumulate the amount of credits prescribed by the study plan; all the requirements for each group need to be fulfilled. For each group, it is required to obtain at least the prescribed minimum amount of credits or to successfully complete the prescribed minimum amount of courses.
If a group has defined a minimum amount of credits < maximum amount of credits < total amount of credits obtainable from the group, then credits earned above the minimum amount of credits are seen as elective and the credits earned above the maximum amount of credits do not count.
The groups are ordered frist by priority and then alphabetically.

All Groups of Courses

PP - compulsory courses for the programme
Group Min.
BI-AAG.21 in the third or fifth semester 5 5 1
BI-PSI.21 in the second or in the 4th semester 5 5 1
BI-PSI.21 in the third or in the fourth semester 5 5 1
Compulsory Courses od Study Program Infomatics, Presented in English, Original Version 117 117 20
Compulsory Courses od Study Program Infomatics, Presented in English, Version 2015 116 116 20
Compulsory Courses of Bachelor Study Program Informatics, in Czech, Version 2015 116 116 20
Compulsory Courses of Bachelor Study Program Informatics, part-time study, version 2021 106 106 20
Compulsory Courses of Bachelor Study Program Informatics, Presented in Czech, Version 2015 116 116 20
Compulsory Courses of Bachelor Study Program Informatics, presented in Czech, version 2021 106 106 20
Compulsory Courses of Bachelor Study Program Informatics, version 2021 110 110 21
Compulsory Courses of Master Study Program for Students of Specialization Dig. Business Engineerng 56 56 5
Compulsory Courses of Master Study Program, Version 2016, in Czech 54 54 6
Compulsory Courses of Master Study Program, Version 2018, in Czech 62 62 6
Compulsory Courses of Master Study Program, Version 2020, in Czech 63 63 6
Compulsory Courses of Master Study Program, Version 2021 63 63 6

PO - compulsory courses in the field
Group Min.
Compulsory Courser of Specialization Web and Software Engineering, in Czech, Version 2016 5 5 1

PS - compulsory courses in the specialisation
Group Min.
Compulsory Courses for Bachelor Specialization Computer Engineering, version 2021 40 40 8
Compulsory Courses for Bachelor Specialization Computer Engineering, version 2024 35 35 7
Compulsory Courses for Master Specialization Web Engineering, v.2020, in Czech 35 35 7
Compulsory Courses for Specialisation Computer Science, version 2021 40 40 8
Compulsory courses for specialization Computer Networks and Internet, part-time study 2021 40 40 8
Compulsory courses for specialization Computer Networks and Internet 2021 40 40 8
Compulsory Courses of Bachelor Specialization Computer Engineering, version 2021 40 40 6

PO - compulsory courses in the field
Group Min.
Compulsory Courses of Bachelor Branch Computer Engineering, Presented in Czech, Version 2015 31 31 7
Compulsory Courses of Bachelor Branch Computer Science, Presented in Czech, Version 2015 31 31 7
Compulsory Courses of Bachelor Branch Computer Science, Presented in English, Version 2015 31 31 7
Compulsory Courses of Bachelor Branch Information Systems and Management, in Czech, Version 2015 25 25 6
Compulsory Courses of Bachelor Branch Knowledge Engineering, in Czech, Version 2018 29 29 7

PS - compulsory courses in the specialisation
Group Min.
Compulsory Courses of Bachelor Specialization Computer Engineering, version 2024 35 35 7
Compulsory Courses of Bachelor Specialization Computer Networks and Internet, version 2021 40 40 8

PO - compulsory courses in the field
Group Min.
Compulsory Courses of Bc. Branch Security and Information Technology, in English, Version 2015 32 32 7
Compulsory Courses of Bc. Branch Security and Information Technology, in English, Version 2015 32 32 7
Compulsory Courses of Bc. Branch Security and IT, Part-Time Form, in English, Version 2015 32 32 7
Compulsory Courses of Master Branch Computer Security, Version 2016, in Czech 35 35 7
Compulsory Courses of Master Branch Computer Systems and Networks,in Czech, Version 2016 35 35 7
Compulsory Courses of Master Branch Design and Programming of Embedded Systems, in Czech, 2016 35 35 7
Compulsory Courses of Master Branch Knowledge Engineering, in Czech, Version 2016 35 35 7
Compulsory Courses of Master Branch Knowledge Engineering, in Czech, Version 2018 35 35 7
Compulsory Courses of Master Branch System Programming, in Czech, Version 2016 8 8 2

PS - compulsory courses in the specialisation
Group Min.
Compulsory Courses of Master Spec. Design and Programming of Embedded Systems, v. 2020, in Czech 35 35 7
Compulsory Courses of Master Spec. Design and Programming of Embedded Systems, v. 2021, in Czech 35 35 7
Compulsory Courses of Master Specialization Computer Science, Presented in Czech, Version 2018 35 35 7
Compulsory Courses of Master Specialization Computer Science, Presented in Czech, Version 2020 35 35 7
Compulsory Courses of Master Specialization Computer Science, Presented in Czech, Version 2023 34 34 7
Compulsory Courses of Master Specialization Computer Security, Version 2020, in Czech 35 35 7
Compulsory Courses of Master Specialization Computer Security, Version 2021 35 35 7
Compulsory Courses of Master Specialization Computer Systems and Networks, version 2020, in Czech 35 35 7
Compulsory Courses of Master Specialization Computer Systems and Networks, version 2021, in Czech 35 35 7
Compulsory Courses of Master Specialization Informatics Management, Version 2020, in Czech 33 33 7
Compulsory Courses of Master Specialization Knowledge Engineering, v. 2020, in Czech 35 35 0
Compulsory Courses of Master Specialization Software Engineering, v.2020, in Czech 35 35 7
Compulsory Courses of Master Specialization Software Engineering, v.2021, in Czech 35 35 7
Compulsory Courses of Master Specialization System Programming, v.2020, in Czech 35 35 7
Compulsory Courses of Master Specialization System Programming, v.2023, in Czech 35 35 7
Compulsory Courses of Master Study Specialisation Digital Business Engineering 30 30 5
Compulsory courses of specialization Artificial Intelligence, version 2021 30 30 6
Compulsory Courses of Specialization Computer Graphics, version 2021 45 45 9
Compulsory courses of specialization Computer Systems and Virtualization, part-time study, 2021 40 40 8
Compulsory Courses of Specialization Computer Systems and Virtualization, version 2021 40 40 8
Compulsory Courses of Specialization Computer Systems and Virtualization, version 2021 40 40 8
Compulsory Courses of Specialization Information Security, version 2021 40 40 8
Compulsory Courses of Specialization Information Security, version 2021 40 40 8
Compulsory Courses of Specialization Management Informatics, version 2021 45 45 9
Compulsory courses of specialization Software engineering, part-time study, version 2021 40 40 8
Compulsory courses of specialization Software engineering, version 2021 40 40 8
Compulsory courses of specialization Web Engineering, version 2021 43 43 9
Compulsory Courses of the Bachelor Specialisation Computer Science, version 2021 40 40 8
Compulsory Courses of the Specialization Information Security, part-time study, version 2021 40 40 8
Compulsory Courses of the Specialization Software Engineering, version 2021 40 40 8
Mgr. Specialization Computer Science, Version 2021 35 35 7
Mgr. Specialization Computer Science, Version 2024 34 34 7
Profiling Courses of Spec. Design and Programming of Embedded Systems, v. 2020, in Czech 0 35 0

PZ - compulsory courses in the focus area
Group Min.
Addition to compulsory subjects of master specialisation Information systems and management 4 9 1
Compulsory Courses of Bachelor Specialization Computer graphics, in Czech, Version 2015 30 30 7
Compulsory Courses of Bachelor Specialization Software Engineering, in Czech, Version 2015 32 32 8
Compulsory Courses of Bachelor Specialization Software Engineering, in Czech, Version 2015 32 32 8
Compulsory Courses of Bachelor Specialization Software Engineering, in English, Version 2015 32 32 8
Compulsory Courses of Bachelor Specialization Web Engineering, in Czech, Version 2015 30 30 7
Compulsory Courses of Master Specialization Computer Science, Presented in Czech, Version 2016 22 22 5
Compulsory Courses of Master Specialization Software Engineering, in Czech, Version 2016 30 24 6
Compulsory Courses of Master Specialization System Programming, Presented in Czech, Version 2016 21 21 5
Compulsory Courses of Specialization Information Systems and Management, version 2016, in Czech 28 28 6
Compulsory Courses of Specialization Web Engineering, Presented in Czech, Version 2016 30 30 6

VO - elective courses in the field or specialisation from a compulsory group of courses
Group Min.
Compulsory Courses of all Branches and Specialisation, Version 2017 0 10 0
Compulsory Courses of all Branches and Specialisations, Version 2017 0 0 0
Compulsory Courses of all Branches and Specialisations 0 0 0
Elective Vocational Courses for a Bachelor Specialization BIK-PS.21, version 2021 0 27 0
Elective Vocational Courses for a Bachelor Specialization BIK-SI.21, version 2021 0 27 0
Elective Vocational Courses for a Bachelor Specialization, part-time study, version 2021 0 27 0
Elective Vocational Courses for Master Spec. Computer Systems and Networks, v.2020, in Czech 0 35 0
Elective Vocational Courses for Master Spec. Design and Programming of Embedded Systems, v. 2020 0 35 0
Elective Vocational Courses for Master Specialization Computer Science 0 135 0
Elective Vocational Courses for Master Specialization Computer Security, v.2020, in Czech 0 35 0
Elective Vocational Courses for Master Specialization Informatics Management, v.2020, in Czech 0 33 0
Elective Vocational Courses for Master Specialization Knowledge Engineering, v.2020, in Czech 0 35 0
Elective Vocational Courses for Master Specialization Software Engineering, v.2020, in Czech 0 35 0
Elective Vocational Courses for Master Specializations Except Digital Bussiness Engineering 0 263 0
Elective vocational Courses of the Bachelor Specialization Computer Ingeneering, ver. 2021 0 27 0
Elective vocational Courses of the Bachelor Specialization Computer Science, ver. 2021 0 27 0
Elective vocational Courses of the Bachelor Specialization Computer Science, ver. 2021 0 27 0
Elective vocational Courses of the Bachelor Specialization Information Security, 2021 0 27 0
Elective vocational Courses of the Specialization Computer Networks and Internet, ver. 2021 0 27 0
Elective vocational Courses of the Specialization Computer Systems and Virtualization, ver. 2021 0 27 0
Elective Vocational courses originating from neighboring spec. for bachelor spec.BI-BIT, ver. 2021 0 27 0
Choose (so far as optional) profiling subjects for the intended specialization, version 2020 35 35 7
Profiling (future compulsory) courses of all master specializations Informatics, ver. 24 0 0 0
Profiling (future compulsory) courses of all specializations of the bc. program Informatics, v. 2021 0 40 0
Profiling (future compulsory) courses of all specializations of the bc. program Informatics, ver. 21 0 0 0
Profiling (future compulsory) courses of all specializations of the bc. program Informatics, ver. 21 0 0 0

PE - compulsory economics courses
Group Min.
Compulsory Economics and Management Bachelor Courses, in Czech, Version 2015 4 4 1
Compulsory Economics and Management Bachelor Courses, in Czech, Version 2015 4 4 1
Compulsory Economics and Management Bachelor Courses, in English, Version 2015 4 4 1

PV - elective courses from a compulsory group of courses
Group Min.
Compulsory elective Courses fof Specialization Computer Networks and Internet, version 2021 5 15 1
Compulsory Elective Courses for Master DBE Specialization A - Normalized Systems Theory 5 9 1
Compulsory Elective Courses for Master Double degree Specialization DBE B - Engineering and Ethics 3 6 1
Compulsory Elective Courses for Master Specialization Communication and management competencies 6 0 2
Compulsory Elective Courses for Master Specialization DBE - Modern Technology 5 25 1
Compulsory Elective Courses for Master Specialization DBE C - Master Project 7 16 1
Compulsory Elective Courses for Master Specialization Management Informatics, version 2021 5 0 1
Compulsory elective courses for the specialization Artificial Intelligence - Group 1, version 2021 5 10 1
Compulsory elective courses for the specialization Artificial Intelligence - Group 2, version 2021 10 20 2
Compulsory elective courses for the specialization Computer Graphics, version 2021 5 10 1
Compulsory elective courses for the specialization Web engineering, version 2021 5 10 1
Compulsory elective courses in Computer Engineering, version 2021 5 15 1
Compulsory Elective courses of Bc. specialization Computer Engineering, field of security, v. 2024 5 15 1
Compulsory elective Courses of Bc. Specialization Computer Engineering, Field of Security, v. 2024 5 15 1
Compulsory elective Courses of Specialization Computer Engineering, version 2021 5 15 1
Compulsory elective Courses of Specialization Computer Systems and Virtualization, version 2021 5 15 1
Compulsory elective Courses of specialization Computer Systems and Virtualization, version 2021 5 15 1
Compulsory elective courses of specialization Computer Systems and Virtualization, 2021 5 15 1
Compulsory elective courses of the specialization Computer Networks and Internet, version 2021 5 15 1
Compulsory elective courses of the specialization Computer Networks and Internet, version 2021 5 15 1
Compulsory elective courses of the specialization Computer Science, version 2021 5 10 1
Compulsory elective Courses of the Specialization Computer Science, version 2021 5 10 1
Compulsory elective courses of the specialization Information Security, part-time study, v.2021 5 15 1
Compulsory elective courses of the specialization Information Security, version 2021 5 15 1
Compulsory elective Courses of the Specialization Information Security, version 2021 5 15 1
Compulsory elective courses of the specialization Software engineering, part-time study,version 2021 5 15 1
Compulsory elective courses of the specialization Software engineering, version 2021 5 15 1
Compulsory elective Courses of the Specialization Software Engineering, version 2021 5 15 1

VE - elective economics and management courses from a compulsory group of courses
Group Min.
Compulsory Elective Economical Courses of Bc. Program Informatics, Presented in Czech, Ver. 2015 4 12 1
Compulsory Elective Economics, and Management Courses, in English, Version 2015 4 10 1
Compulsory Elective Economics Bachelor Courses, Part-time Form of Study, in Czech, Ver. 2015 4 5 1

PV - elective courses from a compulsory group of courses
Group Min.
Compulsory Elective Master Courser for Specialization Software Engineering, version 2020 4 0 1
Compulsory Elective Master Courser for Specialization Software Engineering, version 2021 4 14 1

VE - elective economics and management courses from a compulsory group of courses
Group Min.
Compulsory Elective Master Economics and Management Courses , in Czech, Ver. 2016 2 6 1

PV - elective courses from a compulsory group of courses
Group Min.
Compulsory Elective Theoretical Courses of Bachelor's Specialization Computer Engineering, v. 2024 5 15 1
Compulsory elective Theoretical Courses of Bachelor's Specialization Computer Engineering, v. 2024 5 15 1

VE - elective economics and management courses from a compulsory group of courses
Group Min.
Economical Courses of Bachelor Branch Information Systems and Management, in Czech, version 2015 4 9 1

PT - compulsory physical education courses
Group Min.
Compulsory Physical Education of Bachelor Program Informatics, in Czech, Version 2015 0 0 2
Compulsory Physical Education, version 2021 0 0 2
Compulsory Physical Education, version 2024 0 0 2

PJ - compulsory English examination
Group Min.
English Language Exam 2 4 1
English Language, Internal Certifica 2 4 1

VH - elective humanities courses from a compulsory group of courses
Group Min.
Compulsory Elective Bachelor Social Courses, Presented in English, Ver. 2015 2 9 1
Compulsory Elective Humanity Courses of Bachelor Study Program Informatics, in Czech, Version 2015 2 6 1
Compulsory Elective Humanity Courses of Bc. Program Informatics, Part-time Form, in Czech, Ver. 2015 2 20 1
Compulsory Elective Master Humanity Courses, Inclusive of Non-garanted Courses, Ver. 2016, in Czech 3 6 1

V - elective courses
Group Min.
Elective courses from University of Antverpen 0 0 0
Elective Courses of Bachelor Program Informatics, Presented in Czech, Version 2015 0 20 0
Elective Courses, Suitable for those who intend to apply for Master's program at FIT, in English 0 10 0
Elective Courses, Suitable for those who intend to apply for Master's program at FIT 0 10 0
Elective Master Courses for Specialization Information Systems and Management, Presented in Czech 0 20 0
Elective Physical Education, version 2024 0 0 0
Elective Vocational Courses for a Bachelor Branch BIK-BIT, Version 2017 0 0 0
Elective Vocational Courses for a Bachelor Branch BI-PI, Version 2017 0 21 0
Elective Vocational Courses for a Bachelor Branch BI-TI, Version 2017 0 21 0
Elective Vocational Courses for a Bachelor Branch BI-WSI, Version 2017 0 26 0
Elective Vocational Courses for a Bachelor Branch BI-ZI, Version 2017 0 23 0
Elective Vocational Courses for a Bachelor Specialisation BIK-WSI-SI, Version 2017 0 0 0
Elective vocational Courses for a Bachelor Specialization BI-MI.21, version 2021 0 27 0
Elective vocational Courses for a Bachelor Specialization BI-PG.21, version 2021 0 27 0
Elective vocational Courses for a Bachelor Specialization BI-PI.21, version 2021 0 27 0
Elective Vocational Courses for a Bachelor Specialization BI-PS.21, version 2021 0 27 0
Elective vocational Courses for a Bachelor Specialization BI-PV.21, version 2021 0 27 0
Elective vocational Courses for a Bachelor Specialization BI-SI.21, version 2021 0 27 0
Elective vocational Courses for a Bachelor Specialization BI-TI.21, version 2021 0 27 0
Elective vocational Courses for a Bachelor Specialization BI-UI.21, version 2021 0 27 0
Elective vocational Courses for a Bachelor Specialization BI-WI.21, version 2021 0 27 0
Elective Vocational Courses for a Master Specialisation MI-SP-SP, Version 2017 0 31 0
Elective Vocational Courses for Bachelor Branch BIE-BIT, Version 2017 0 0 0
Elective Vocational Courses for Bachelor Branch BIE-TI, Version 2017 0 0 0
Elective Vocational Courses for Bachelor Specialisation BIE-WSI-SI, Version 2017 0 0 0
Elective Vocational Courses for Bachelor Specialisation BI-WSI-PGR, Version 2017 0 20 0
Elective Vocational Courses for Bachelor Specialisation BI-WSI-SI, Version 2017 0 20 0
Elective Vocational Courses for Bachelor Specialisation BI-WSI-WI, Version 2017 0 22 0
Elective Vocational Courses for Master Branch MI-NVPS, version 2017 0 25 0
Elective Vocational Courses for Master Branch MI-PB, version 2017 0 25 0
Elective Vocational Courses for Master Branch MI-PSS, version 2017 0 25 0
Elective Vocational Courses for Master Branch MI-ZI, version 2017 0 25 0
Elective Vocational Courses for Master Specialisation MI-SP-TI, version 2017 0 31 0
Elective Vocational Courses for Master Specialisation MI-WSI-ISM, version 2017 0 22 0
Elective Vocational Courses for Master Specialisation MI-WSI-SI, Version 2017 0 25 0
Elective Vocational Courses for Master Specialisation MI-WSI-WI, version 2017 0 25 0
Elective Vocational Courses for Master Specialisation Software Engineering 0 0 0
Elective Vocational Courses for Master Specialisation Software Engineering 0 135 0
Elective Vocational Courses for Master Specialization Computer Science 0 0 0
Elective Vocational Courses for Master Specialization Computer Science 0 0 0
Elective Vocational Courses for Master Specialization Computer security 0 0 0
Elective Vocational Courses for Master Specialization Computer security 0 140 0
Elective Vocational Courses for Master Specialization Computer Systems and Networks 0 228 0
Elective Vocational Courses for Master Specialization Computer Systems and Networks 0 140 0
Elective Vocational Courses for Master Specialization Design and Programming of Embedded Systems 0 0 0
Elective Vocational Courses for Master Specialization Design and Programming of Embedded Systems 0 135 0
Elective Vocational Courses for Master Specialization Knowledge Engineering, v.2020, in Czech 0 35 0
Elective Vocational Courses for Master Specialization Knowledge Engineering 0 0 0
Elective Vocational Courses for Master Specialization Management Informatics 0 0 0
Elective Vocational Courses for Master Specialization System Programming 0 0 0
Elective Vocational Courses for Master Specialization Web Engineering, v.2020, in Czech 0 35 0
Elective Vocational Courses for Master Specialization Web Engineering 0 0 0
Elective Vocational courses originating from neighboring spec for bachelor spec.BI-BIT, ver. 2017 0 20 0
Elective vocational Courses originating from neighboring spec. for bachelor spec.BI-IB.21, ver. 2021 0 27 0
Purely Elective Bachelor Courses, Version 2017 0 22 0
Purely Elective Bachelor Courses, Version 2021 0 55 0
Purely Elective Courses of Bachelor Programme BI, version from 2021/22 0 404 0
Purely Elective Courses of Bachelor Programme BI, Version 2017 0 0 0
Purely Elective Courses of Bachelor Programme BI, Version 2017 0 16 0
Purely Elective Courses of Bachelor Programme, part-time Study, Version 2021 0 31 0
Purely Elective Master Courses, Version 2017 0 0 0
Purely Elective Master Courses, Version 2018 0 0 0
Purely Elective Master Courses, Version 2021 0 333 0
Purely Elective Master Courses, Version 2021 0 0 0

Page updated 27. 7. 2024, semester: L/2019-20, Z/2023-4, Z/2020-1, Z/2021-2, L/2020-1, Z/2024-5, L/2022-3, L/2021-2, L/2023-4, Z/2022-3, Z/2019-20, Send comments to the content presented here to Administrator of study plans Design and implementation: J. Novák, I. Halaška