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Students enroll into one of the study programs accredited at the Faculty. Within each program, there is a set of study branches/specializations. Each of the branches/specializations can be studied either in a full-time form of study or in a part-time form. Study branch/specialization is a comprehensive set of knowledge and skills acquired by a student during the studies.
The Study branches/specializations here are listed alphabetically.

Artificial Intelligence 2021 (in Czech) - BI-UI21

Graduates of the Artificial Intelligence (AI) specialization have knowledge of most areas falling into the broad field of AI. They master machine learning techniques, including their mathematical foundations, and are able to apply them in practice with the help of modern software tools. They know the basics of symbolic UI with emphasis on agent systems. In their profile, they have knowledge of working with data at all levels: from exploratory analysis and visualization to creating reports, obtaining information from data and verifying or formulating hypotheses. Thanks to this knowledge, graduates of the UI specialization can find employment in any company where data and tools of artificial intelligence are used in some way. Such companies include multinational corporations as well as small start-ups and innovative companies from all possible areas from pharmacy through engineering and agriculture to IT and marketing.

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Business Informatics 2021 (In Czech) - BI-MI21

The study of the specialization Management Informatics (MI) prepares experts for a wide range of functions, especially in business practice, where it is necessary to combine IT and interdisciplinary knowledge and skills to meet the information needs of the company. Graduates of the MI specialization will find employment mainly as business process analysts (business analysts), ie in the analysis and optimization of business processes, in the design, development and deployment of business information systems, in the design and administration of specialized management and knowledge systems. Furthermore, in managerial positions such as IT management (CIO) or IT marketing (CMO), in the management of own companies (not only) in the field of IT (CEO), in software companies focused on business application development, in consulting and design companies as analysts, system integrators or project managers.

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Computer Engineering 2021 (in Czech) - BI-PI21

Graduates of the Computer Systems and Virtualization (PV) specialization will expand their professional profile of the common foundation with knowledge of modern architectures of computer systems, servers, data storage and cloud systems and relevant virtualization principles. Their profile includes administrative skills and procedures for configuring, tuning performance, scaling and ensuring system security and high availability of computer systems. They have practical experience with virtualization tools and tools to automate the management and monitoring of computer systems, and with procedures for dealing with system outages. Graduates of the PV specialization will be employed in the positions of system architects, technology consultants, architects of computer infrastructure and software solutions, server administrators, network and computer infrastructure, data center technicians, cloud service administrators and virtualization platforms.

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Computer Engineering 2021 - BIE-PI21

Graduates of the Computer Systems and Virtualization (PV) specialization will expand their professional profile of the common foundation with knowledge of modern architectures of computer systems, servers, data storage and cloud systems and relevant virtualization principles. Their profile includes administrative skills and procedures for configuring, tuning performance, scaling and ensuring system security and high availability of computer systems. They have practical experience with virtualization tools and tools to automate the management and monitoring of computer systems, and with procedures for dealing with system outages. Graduates of the PV specialization will be employed in the positions of system architects, technology consultants, architects of computer infrastructure and software solutions, server administrators, network and computer infrastructure, data center technicians, cloud service administrators and virtualization platforms.

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Computer engineering - BI-PI

Acquired Knowledge and Skills The graduates of Computer Engineering specialization acquire thorough theoretical elements of computer science which include mathematical analysis, mathematical logic, linear algebra, discrete mathematics, probability and statistics, algorithmics, data structures, theory of languages and automata and all layers of ICT systems architecture (digital and analog circuits, processors and HW architecture, operating systems, databases, computer networks, security, software engineering). In specialization modules, the students further enrich their professional profile with the knowledge of digital systems, processors, computers and computer communication systems design including the design of hardware and software with respect to targeted applications, i.e. embedded systems, robots, mobile computing systems or sensor networks. The students also learn how to develop software for digital devices and for their communication interface control. This specialization includes development of both hardware and software, the final choice between SW and HW implementation being made according to required speed, device size, power consumption, reliability and design time. Professional Profile The graduates of the Computer Engineering specialization who decide to join the professional market are ready for a career as programmers, digital designers of customer or programmable circuits or as constructors of digital devices, embedded or control systems or computer controlled technological devices.

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Computer Graphics 2021 (in Czech) - BI-PG21

Graduates of the Computer Graphics (PG) specialization will complete their professional profile of the common foundation in profile subjects with knowledge of computer graphics (creating multimedia content in 2D and 3D graphics, programming interactive 3D scenes, programming extensions of graphic applications and user interface testing). Their profile also includes knowledge of a wide range of technologies for processing, presentation and visualization of multimedia and graphic data, knowledge of the basics of software engineering and skills necessary for work in team software projects. Graduates of the PG specialization will be able to design and create or extend graphical applications and subject their user interface to appropriate user tests. In the field of computer graphics, they will know the basic techniques of processing, generating and presenting 2D / 3D content. They can hold the position of developers of graphic or game applications in the gaming, film, advertising or mobile industry or the position of members of teams of developers of larger software works responsible for user interfaces or multimedia, visualization, graphic or game components.

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Computer Networks and Internet 2021 (in Czech) - BI-PS21

Graduates of the Computer Networks and Internet (PS) specialization will expand their professional profile of the common foundation with knowledge of network technologies, protocols and algorithms at all levels of computer network architecture. They have knowledge of local networks, Ethernet, technologies used in the Internet, routing algorithms and switching technologies, network traffic monitoring techniques and ensuring the security of computer systems and networks, and knowledge of the physical principles of metallic, optical and wireless networks. They master the principles of network technology virtualization. They have practical experience in programming network applications and the design, construction and management of computer networks and the Internet of Things. Graduates of the PS specialization will be employed in the positions of network analysts and architects, computer network administrators, security analysts, developers of network applications and solutions for Internet of Things systems.

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Computer Networks and Internet 2021 - BIE-PS21

Graduates of the Computer Networks and Internet (PS) specialization will expand their professional profile of the common foundation with knowledge of network technologies, protocols and algorithms at all levels of computer network architecture. They have knowledge of local networks, Ethernet, technologies used in the Internet, routing algorithms and switching technologies, network traffic monitoring techniques and ensuring the security of computer systems and networks, and knowledge of the physical principles of metallic, optical and wireless networks. They master the principles of network technology virtualization. They have practical experience in programming network applications and the design, construction and management of computer networks and the Internet of Things. Graduates of the PS specialization will be employed in the positions of network analysts and architects, computer network administrators, security analysts, developers of network applications and solutions for Internet of Things systems.

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Computer Science (Bachelor, in English) - BIE-TI

The graduates of Theoretical Computer Science branch of study acquire thorough theoretical elements of computer science which include mathematical analysis, mathematical logic, linear algebra, discrete mathematics, probability and statistics, algorithmics, data structures, theory of languages and automata and all layers of ICT systems architecture (digital and analog circuits, processors and HW architecture, operating systems, databases, computer networks, security, software engineering). In specialization modules, the students further enrich their professional profile with a balanced portfolio of knowledge and skills in computer architecture, system programming, graph theory and advanced algorithmics. The whole curriculum prepares them for a successful professional career or for further study within a master specialization of their choice. The graduates have deep knowledge of CPU architectures, they understand mathematical models and are able to use them for the design and analysis of algorithms with respect to computational complexity and practical resolvability of problems. They master the tools and formal models for design, specification, effective implementation and analysis of properties of miscellaneous algorithms (including heuristic and approximative algorithms) on miscellaneous computer architectures.

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Computer Science 2021 (in Czech) - BI-TI21

Graduates of the Computer Science (TI) specialization will acquire a set of professional knowledge and skills in the field of complexity theory, graph theory, advanced algorithms, computer architectures, implementation of programming languages ??and programming styles and are thus prepared for a successful career or further study of any computer-oriented master's degree. specialization. They understand computational models and are able to use them in the design and analysis of algorithms with respect to computational complexity and practical solvability of problems. They know tools and formal models for designing, specification, effective implementation and analysis of properties of algorithms of different types on different computer architectures. Graduates of the TI specialization will find employment as analysts and system designers in development or research teams in the event of a transition into practice. They are able to hold positions that require solving more complex algorithmic problems in various application areas or optimizing existing solutions. The specialization is suitable for future master's students in any computer-oriented specialization.

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Computer Science 2021 - BIE-TI21

Graduates of the Computer Science (TI) specialization will acquire a set of professional knowledge and skills in the field of complexity theory, graph theory, advanced algorithms, computer architectures, implementation of programming languages ??and programming styles and are thus prepared for a successful career or further study of any computer-oriented master's degree. specialization. They understand computational models and are able to use them in the design and analysis of algorithms with respect to computational complexity and practical solvability of problems. They know tools and formal models for designing, specification, effective implementation and analysis of properties of algorithms of different types on different computer architectures. Graduates of the TI specialization will find employment as analysts and system designers in development or research teams in the event of a transition into practice. They are able to hold positions that require solving more complex algorithmic problems in various application areas or optimizing existing solutions. The specialization is suitable for future master's students in any computer-oriented specialization.

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Computer Science 2021 - NIE-TI

In the industrial field, graduates are well trained in the design and analysis of advanced algorithms to qualify as analysts, developers, systems engineers, consultants, data engineers. And of course the team leaders of these professions, because they gained experience in working with the team during their studies. Experience to date clearly demonstrates that a large proportion of graduates are ready to set up and run their own companies based on the experience of applied research and development gained during their studies.

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Computer Science - BI-TI

The graduates of Theoretical Computer Science specialization acquire thorough theoretical elements of computer science which include mathematical analysis, mathematical logic, linear algebra, discrete mathematics, probability and statistics, algorithmics, data structures, theory of languages and automata and all layers of ICT systems architecture (digital and analog circuits, processors and HW architecture, operating systems, databases, computer networks, security, software engineering). In specialization modules, the students further enrich their professional profile with a balanced portfolio of knowledge and skills in computer architecture, system programming, graph theory and advanced algorithmics. The whole curriculum prepares them for a successful professional career or for further study within a master specialization of their choice. The graduates have deep knowledge of CPU architectures, they understand mathematical models and are able to use them for the design and analysis of algorithms with respect to computational complexity and practical resolvability of problems. They master the tools and formal models for design, specification, effective implementation and analysis of properties of miscellaneous algorithms (including heuristic and approximative algorithms) on miscellaneous computer architectures.

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Computer Science - NI-TI

In the industrial field, graduates are well trained in the design and analysis of advanced algorithms to qualify as analysts, developers, systems engineers, consultants, data engineers. And of course the team leaders of these professions, because they gained experience in working with the team during their studies. Experience to date clearly demonstrates that a large proportion of graduates are ready to set up and run their own companies based on the experience of applied research and development gained during their studies.

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Computer Security and Information technology (Bachelor, in English) - BIE-BIT

The graduates will extend their professional profile with the ability to design, configure, implement, administer, maintain, and inovate a secure computational infrastructure, both hardware and software. They will be able to select a suitable and secure hardware and software and integrate it into existing systems while satisfying the requirements for a secure environment. They will be able to securely install and configure both SW and HW modules of existing systems, analyze potential security risks, and propose solutions for discovered weaknesses. The branch is intended for students who want to become IT and network professionals with a particular focus on security. The graduates may choose to work at any position of ICT departments, as system integrators, administrators, technicians in data centers and infrastructure providers, as network, database or webserver administrators. They can become security analysts to design and implement a secure ICT environment and analyze and solve security issues. The knowledge and skills gained in this study branch will provide them with a significant competitive advantage at the work force market.

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Computer Security and Information technology - BI-BIT

The graduates will extend their professional profile with the ability to design, configure, implement, administer, maintain, and inovate a secure computational infrastructure, both hardware and software. They will be able to select a suitable and secure hardware and software and integrate it into existing systems while satisfying the requirements for a secure environment. They will be able to securely install and configure both SW and HW modules of existing systems, analyze potential security risks, and propose solutions for discovered weaknesses. The branch is intended for students who want to become IT and network professionals with a particular focus on security. The graduates may choose to work at any position of ICT departments, as system integrators, administrators, technicians in data centers and infrastructure providers, as network, database or webserver administrators. They can become security analysts to design and implement a secure ICT environment and analyze and solve security issues. The knowledge and skills gained in this study branch will provide them with a significant competitive advantage at the work force market.

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Computer Security 2021 - NIE-PB

Characteristics of specialization Computer security: The specialization of PB is thematically focused on research and development of secure information and communication systems. It deals with the development and management of both secure hardware and software at both theoretical and application levels. Students will gain an overview of cryptological principles, methods of detection of attacks in computer networks, secure management of information systems, as well as design of secure software and hardware. The specialization has a balanced ratio of theoretical and application topics with regard to a sufficient and correct understanding of the security principles of modern ICT systems. Skills and knowledge gained in the PB specialization: The graduates acquire theoretical knowledge of cryptology and mathematical principles of computer security and practical skills in the design and implementation of secure computer hardware and software, eg at the level of system and network security, applied cryptography and cryptoanalysis and reverse engineer software. . In the area of ??hardware security, graduates will be able to safely use and integrate hardware components into information systems and will also be able to test these components for resistance to attacks.

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Computer Security - NI-PB

Characteristics of specialization Computer security: The specialization of PB is thematically focused on research and development of secure information and communication systems. It deals with the development and management of both secure hardware and software at both theoretical and application levels. Students will gain an overview of cryptological principles, methods of detection of attacks in computer networks, secure management of information systems, as well as design of secure software and hardware. The specialization has a balanced ratio of theoretical and application topics with regard to a sufficient and correct understanding of the security principles of modern ICT systems. Skills and knowledge gained in the PB specialization: The graduates acquire theoretical knowledge of cryptology and mathematical principles of computer security and practical skills in the design and implementation of secure computer hardware and software, eg at the level of system and network security, applied cryptography and cryptoanalysis and reverse engineer software. . In the area of ??hardware security, graduates will be able to safely use and integrate hardware components into information systems and will also be able to test these components for resistance to attacks.

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Computer Security - MI-PB

Students of the Computer Security branch will acquire knowledge of system security, encryption, encoding, applied cryptography, cryptanalysis principles, detection and prevention of attacks on computer networks, legal aspects of the use of cryptographic systems. Knowledge of cryptology will be linked with the knowledge of modern trends in hardware and software to implement the security of computer systems.

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Computer Systems and Networks 2021 - NIE-PSS

Skills and knowledge gained in the PSS specialization: Graduates will know the theory of distributed and parallel computing systems and understand the architectures and technologies of network and multiprocessor computer systems and their software on a wide range of platforms, starting with multicore and multicore processors, GPUs and GPUs. and data clusters, up to cloud computing platforms. They will know the principles and technologies of virtualization and virtualization techniques and tools, which are today crucial for efficient and semi-automatic management, operation and security of large computer infrastructures. They will be able to design, configure, efficiently use and manage them, as well as deploy and run scalable applications. Furthermore, they will be able to program such systems effectively on the level of standard parallel program libraries and secure them against basic attacks.

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Computer Systems and Networks - NI-PSS

Skills and knowledge gained in the PSS specialization: Graduates will know the theory of distributed and parallel computing systems and understand the architectures and technologies of network and multiprocessor computer systems and their software on a wide range of platforms, starting with multicore and multicore processors, GPUs and GPUs. and data clusters, up to cloud computing platforms. They will know the principles and technologies of virtualization and virtualization techniques and tools, which are today crucial for efficient and semi-automatic management, operation and security of large computer infrastructures. They will be able to design, configure, efficiently use and manage them, as well as deploy and run scalable applications. Furthermore, they will be able to program such systems effectively on the level of standard parallel program libraries and secure them against basic attacks.

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Computer Systems and Networks - MI-PSS

Students of Computer Systems and Networks will understand architectures and technologies of computer systems and their systematic software programs across the spectrum of platforms ranging from highly parallel architectures to chip over computer networks and network technology, database and web servers, data centers, mobile and distributed systems and high-performance parallel systems to large scale web systems and platforms "cloud computing". They know the system architecture and will be able to solve applications requiring distributed, mobile and HPC platforms, providing network services, design and implementation of network solutions. They will be able to design such systems, configure, deploy and manage. Description of the application in the field: Graduate in Computer Systems and Networks finds application in companies focused on the implementation of modern ICT solutions, programming and delivery of distributed and parallel computer systems, servers, data and computing centers and others. Thanks economics and management training graduate is able to manage teams and to address them and is the head of the ICT department of companies, organizations and public authorities. Next, apply a head of a team of developers of the architecture, infrastructure architects, technology consultants and system administrators.

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Computer Systems and Virtualization 2021 (in Czech) - BI-PV21

Graduates of Computer Systems and Virtualization (PV) specialization will extend their professional profile of common base with knowledge of modern architectures of computer systems, servers, data storage and cloud systems and relevant virtualization principles. Their profile includes administration skills and procedures for configuring, debugging performance, scaling and ensuring system security and high availability of computer systems. They have practical experience with virtualization tools and tools for automated administration and monitoring of computer systems operation and procedures for solving system outages. Graduates of PV specialization will apply to positions of system engineer, architect of infrastructure and software solution, technology consultant, administrator of data center computer infrastructure or cloud services provider, or security analyst.

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Computer Systems and Virtualization 2021 - BIE-PV21

Graduates of the Computer Systems and Virtualization (PV) specialization will expand their professional profile of the common foundation with knowledge of modern architectures of computer systems, servers, data storage and cloud systems and relevant virtualization principles. Their profile includes administrative skills and procedures for configuring, tuning performance, scaling and ensuring system security and high availability of computer systems. They have practical experience with virtualization tools and tools to automate the management and monitoring of computer systems, and with procedures for dealing with system outages. Graduates of the PV specialization will be employed in the positions of system engineer, infrastructure and software solution architect, technology consultant, data center computer infrastructure administrator or cloud service provider, or security analyst.

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Design and Programming of Embedded Systems 2021 - NIE-NPVS

Specialization Characteristics Embedded Systems Design and Programming: The specialization is focused on the design of embedded digital systems containing software and hardware components, with particular emphasis on embedded systems and systems and on-chip networks (SoC and NoC). Significant part of the course is devoted to system design, testing and analysis. The knowledge of the lower levels of abstraction is complemented and deepened, together with the appropriate methods of engineering work. The specialization is based on systems theory, which, together with the necessary fundamentals of discrete mathematics and combinatorial optimization, is laid out in the first year. Such foundations give graduates a comparative advantage not only in system design and analysis, but also in formal verification that is increasingly gaining ground in industry. The following lessons are then applied and pass on to projects, especially in the last year. Skills and knowledge acquired in the NPVS specialization: Graduates acquire knowledge of design, modeling and verification of digital and embedded systems, ie design of systems of specified properties (working in real time, designed for specific application areas, fault-tolerant, fail-safe) and evaluation of system architecture on models. They will be able to design systems on chip (SoC) and programmable hardware (SoPC, FPGA). This includes knowledge of concurrent design of software and hardware, architectures and features of processors, design of digital circuits, use of macroblocks (IP cores) and simulation and verification of digital systems at all levels.

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Design and Programming of Embedded Systems - NI-NPVS

Specialization Characteristics Embedded Systems Design and Programming: The specialization is focused on the design of embedded digital systems containing software and hardware components, with particular emphasis on embedded systems and systems and on-chip networks (SoC and NoC). Significant part of the course is devoted to system design, testing and analysis. The knowledge of the lower levels of abstraction is complemented and deepened, together with the appropriate methods of engineering work. The specialization is based on systems theory, which, together with the necessary fundamentals of discrete mathematics and combinatorial optimization, is laid out in the first year. Such foundations give graduates a comparative advantage not only in system design and analysis, but also in formal verification that is increasingly gaining ground in industry. The following lessons are then applied and pass on to projects, especially in the last year. Skills and knowledge acquired in the NPVS specialization: Graduates acquire knowledge of design, modeling and verification of digital and embedded systems, ie design of systems of specified properties (working in real time, designed for specific application areas, fault-tolerant, fail-safe) and evaluation of system architecture on models. They will be able to design systems on chip (SoC) and programmable hardware (SoPC, FPGA). This includes knowledge of concurrent design of software and hardware, architectures and features of processors, design of digital circuits, use of macroblocks (IP cores) and simulation and verification of digital systems at all levels.

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Design and Programming of Embedded Systems - MI-NPVS

Design and Programming of Embedded Systems branch of study is focused on the design of embedded digital system, programmable systems and system-on-a -chip (SoC a NoC). The subject covers design, testing and analysis methods at the system level and at the lower abstraction levels as well. The branch is based on system theory, parallel systems and discrete mathematics which are taught in the first year. It further enables to construct the actual profile of graduates based on knowledge of verification and simulation methods, testing, fault-tolerant, attack-resistant and reliable design methods, real-time applications, HW-SW code sign, reconfiguration and programmable hardware (FPGAs). The organization of teaching is based on lectures, seminars, labs and both individual and group projects.

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Digital Business Engineering - NIE-DBE

A graduate of the DBE specialization will acquire solid theoretical foundations of informatics, represented in particular by the mandatory subjects of the Informatics program, as well as knowledge of technologies and methods in the field of software engineering. To this will be added knowledge of strategic, tactical and operational planning and business management, especially in digital business domain, in a global context, including the sustainability of business and its ethical aspects. Some compulsory specialization courses are taught at the University of Antwerp, where the student spends at least one semester physically. He/she will therefore also take away direct experience of studying and collaborating at an international level. Graduates of the DBE specialization will be employed in the field of management and operation of companies focused on the so-called "digital business", but also in the ICT department of other companies affected by the digitization of business. They can also be employed in consulting positions or software companies that deal with the digitalization of business. They will be able to function well in international teams and multinational corporations.

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Information Security 2021 (Bachelor in English) - BIE-IB21

Graduates of the Information Security (IB) specialization will expand their professional profile of the common basis in their profile subjects with the ability to design, configure, assemble, administer, operate and innovate a secure computing infrastructure with knowledge of hardware and software. They are able to select suitable and secure hardware and software, integrate it into the existing system according to the requirements for safe operation. Furthermore, they are able to reliably analyze possible security risks in the ICT infrastructure and propose solutions to problems. The IB specialization is intended for students who want to apply themselves in practice as experts in the field of computer and network systems with an emphasis on their security. IB graduates can work as security analysts and architects, including the lowest hardware levels of computing infrastructure, secure software developers, penetration testers, forensic analysts, data center security engineers, and computing hosting companies.

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Information Security 2021 (in Czech) - BI-IB21

Graduates of the Information Security (IB) specialization will expand their professional profile of the common basis in their profile subjects with the ability to design, configure, assemble, administer, operate and innovate a secure computing infrastructure with knowledge of hardware and software. They are able to select suitable and secure hardware and software, integrate it into the existing system according to the requirements for safe operation. Furthermore, they are able to reliably analyze possible security risks in the ICT infrastructure and propose solutions to problems. The IB specialization is intended for students who want to apply themselves in practice as experts in the field of computer and network systems with an emphasis on their security. IB graduates can work as security analysts and architects, including the lowest hardware levels of computing infrastructure, secure software developers, penetration testers, forensic analysts, data center security engineers, and computing hosting companies.

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Information Systems and Management - BI-ISM

Branch ISM is designed for computer science with a focus on economic and managerial aspects and applications of informatics in business. The labor market is a long-term shortage of professionals, which combines these two different areas. Branch is characterized by professional courses Information Systems (BI-TIS), Software Engineering 2 (BI-SI2), Conceptual Modelling (BI-COM), Knowledge-Based Systems (BI-ZNS), Law and Business (BI-PRP) and compulsory optional specialized economic subject, where the student must choose one of the three subjects Financial and management Accounting (BI-FMU), Marketing and Innovation in IT (BI-MII) and the Financial Markets (BI-FTR). The field is so strongly focused on the issue of integration of information systems and information technology infrastructure businesses to support its activities at various levels. Classical economic disciplines are interpreted with regard to the specifics of information technology and using the fact that students have built an informatics basis. Only in Czech language.

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Knowledge Engineering - NI-ZI

Characteristics of specialization Knowledge Engineering: The ZI specialization focuses on automated information retrieval and, subsequently, knowledge of data. The aim of the field is to acquaint students with the approaches and tools for data mining, representation of this information in the form of models and the use of these models to gain knowledge of the problem. Knowledge engineering employs a number of approaches and techniques, in particular database and information systems (including Business Intelligence), advanced statistical methods, methods of extracting structured and unstructured data (data mining / text mining) from various sources (databases, web), modeling and simulation , optimization techniques, machine learning, expert and knowledge systems, methods of computational intelligence, visualization and other techniques. Specialization has an overlap in software engineering and theoretical computer science. Skills and knowledge gained in the ZI specialization: Graduates acquire advanced knowledge in all phases of mining of knowledge from various data sources (company databases, information systems, websites), ie in the preprocessing of data of various character, in analysis, in modeling, in classification, in prediction and interpretation and subsequent presentation of acquired knowledge. . Graduates will be able to design, adapt and implement decision support systems and integrate them into information systems. They will gain thorough training in statistical methods of data analysis and processing. Theoretical topics such as artificial intelligence, recognition or computational intelligence open up the graduates with the opportunity to participate in interesting research projects or to continue working independently.

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Knowledge Engineering - MI-ZI

Acquired skills and knowledge: Graduates of the branch "Knowledge engineering" acquire advanced knowledge in all phases of knowledge mining from various data sources (company databases, information systems, web sites), ie. Data preprocessing of different character, analysis, modeling, classification, prediction and interpretation and subsequent presentation of the knowledge acquired. Graduates will be able to design, adapt, integrate and implement decision support systems and integrate them into information systems. Theoretical topics such as recognition and computational intelligence field open to graduates the opportunity to participate in interesting research projects and independent scientific work. Description of the application in the branch: Knowledge engineering graduates find employment in larger firms as specialists in the fiend of Business Intelligence, eg. In acquiring new knowledge from data specific to the sector, which in turn uses the company's management to make decisions and develop new strategies. Graduates are an important part of the analytical teams of large companies. They may offer BI software solution tailored to a specific company or a service in the field of data mining. Graduates are not dependent on the Czech market but may find applications worldwide.

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Knowledge Engineering - BI-ZI

Students will gain comprehensive knowledge in the field of data processing. They understand the problem of data acquisition, methods for storing information, and especially algorithms for extracting important information from data. This branch of study gradually introduces students to software tools and practical examples within the subjects studied. The students will become familiar with the possibilities of storing and processing large data (cloud-based technologies for Big Data), tools for pre-processing and custom data mining, and last but not least, artificial-intelligence-based tools used in the field of data processing. Within the elective courses, the students can focus themselves on the areas of image processing and text mining. During their studies, the students can participate in co-op projects and to establish contacts with future employees. Graduates of this branch of study will find jobs as data analysts in companies that need to evaluate and acquire information from data. Due to the huge and exponentially fast growing volumes of published and collected data, the need to evaluate data can be found in almost every larger company today. This is the reason of high demand for experts in this field.

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Managerial Informatics - NI-MI

Characteristics of specialization Managerial Informatics: The MI specialization is designed for students interested in economic-managerial aspects and applications of informatics and ICT in business. The curriculum builds on a solid knowledge of information technology, mathematics and statistics (within the common subjects of the program), because all this needs to be mastered in understanding the methods of using business ICT systems to realize business (economic) goals. ICT is to become an effective means for improving and automating business processes or managing more complicated processes, for providing better services, etc. meeting the information needs of the company and preparing managers managing information processes in companies, including financial and personnel management of business informatics (CIO - Chief Information Officer). Skills and knowledge gained in the MI specialization: The core of the specialization is Business Informatics, Decision Support Systems and Software Product Creation, in which the graduates acquire skills in the areas of operational, tactical and strategic management of informatics in the business sphere. The specialization of the specialization is a combination of technology-oriented subjects of software and knowledge engineering and subjects from the field of business process modeling and business informatics management and implementation of business plans for commercial deployment of IT products. The graduates demonstrate their acquired skills in the form of complex projects.

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Software Engineering (Bachelor, in English) - BIE-WSI

Students of the specialization Software Engineering of the branch Software a Web Engineering will extend their professional profile gained within the compulsory courses with the knowledge of all phases of the software system lifecycle (analysis, design, implementation, testing, maintenance, and evolution). An important component of the study is the software project management and project team management. The focus is on team projects in which students can practice various roles in teams during the design and implementation of larger software systems. Both theoretically and practically, students get acquainted with formal notations, design methodologies (including agile programming), and supporting software tools. In team projects, students can learn various roles in a project team, when they implement large software projects. The specialization is focused on practical mastering of methods and software tools that are used during the whole software life cycle. The graduates of the specialization Software Engineering will find their jobs as programmers and team members of development teams of software companies. Also, they can be employed as administrators of large enterprise systems or in IT departments of large companies (e.g. telecommunication operators, financial institutes, automobile factories, public administration), where they can be responsible for communication with suppliers of software systems. Students of the specialization Web Engineering of the branch Software and Web Engineering extend their common core knowledge of informatics with the knowledge of specific architectures and technologies of the web systems that will enable them to make good web applications on both the client and the server side. Firstly, this includes basic technologies like HTTP, HTML , and XML, and secondly, algorithms and architectures for searching and indexing the web contents, dynamic programming languages, technologies of modern databases optimized for storing the web content, and the problem of scalability of systems that process huge amount of data. Students gain not only theoretical and technological background for master studies, but also important experience for the profession of web engineers. Graduates of specialization Web Engineering of the branch Software and Web Engineering can work at positions of web application engineers starting from the level of programmers of client or server application components. The specialization will provide important basis for future professional growth of graduate at positions such as architects of complex web applications capable to work with the frame of their whole life cycles, i.e., its design, implementation, testing, support, and upgrading.

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Software Engineering (in Czech) - NI-SI

Characteristics of the Software Engineering Specialization: The SI specialization is thematically oriented towards the development, production, management, maintenance and innovation of large software systems, including the Web, where it is necessary to apply deep theoretical knowledge and practical skills of software engineering due to their complexity. Specialization has a balanced ratio of theoretical topics, such as formal tools for describing software systems and their behavior, and technology-oriented topics, such as web and middleware system architectures, large databases, information systems, architectural and design patterns, and sustainable software systems. Part of the study plan are also topics of designing modern software systems including their user interfaces. Skills and knowledge gained in the SI specialization: Graduates acquire deeper theoretical knowledge related to analysis, modeling, design, programming, testing, and maintenance of large software systems, design of database systems, enterprise technologies of creation of information systems and tools for software development methods based on formal specifications. They will learn to design user interfaces of software products. They acquire the necessary theoretical economic and managerial skills necessary for leading large software projects. for managing large software systems.

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Software Engineering 2021 (in Czech) - BI-SI21

Graduates of the Software Engineering (SI) specialization will complete their professional profile of the common foundation with knowledge of all phases of the life cycle of larger software systems (design, development and testing, deployment, maintenance and innovation). Emphasis is placed on team projects, in which students try out different roles in the project team in the design and implementation of larger software systems. The graduate's profile consists of theoretical and practical knowledge of formal notations, software design and implementation methodologies (including agile programming techniques) and practical experience with tools used during the life cycle of software systems development and operation. Graduates of the SI specialization will find practical employment as programmers and members of development and implementation teams in software companies, but they can also work as administrators of larger enterprise systems or departments of large companies (such as telecommunications operators, financial institutions, automakers, government, ...) who are in charge of communication with suppliers of specialized large software systems.

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Software Engineering 2021 - BIE-SI21

Graduates of the Software Engineering (SI) specialization will complete their professional profile of the common foundation with knowledge of all phases of the life cycle of larger software systems (design, development and testing, deployment, maintenance and innovation). Emphasis is placed on team projects, in which students try out different roles in the project team in the design and implementation of larger software systems. The graduate's profile consists of theoretical and practical knowledge of formal notations, software design and implementation methodologies (including agile programming techniques) and practical experience with tools used during the life cycle of software systems development and operation. Graduates of the SI specialization will find practical employment as programmers and members of development and implementation teams in software companies, but they can also work as administrators of larger enterprise systems or departments of large companies (such as telecommunications operators, financial institutions, automakers, government, ...) who are in charge of communication with suppliers of specialized large software systems.

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Software Engineering 2021 - NIE-SI

Characteristics of the Software Engineering Specialization: The SI specialization is thematically oriented towards the development, production, management, maintenance and innovation of large software systems, including the Web, where it is necessary to apply deep theoretical knowledge and practical skills of software engineering due to their complexity. Specialization has a balanced ratio of theoretical topics, such as formal tools for describing software systems and their behavior, and technology-oriented topics, such as web and middleware system architectures, large databases, information systems, architectural and design patterns, and sustainable software systems. Part of the study plan are also topics of designing modern software systems including their user interfaces. Skills and knowledge gained in the SI specialization: Graduates acquire deeper theoretical knowledge related to analysis, modeling, design, programming, testing, and maintenance of large software systems, design of database systems, enterprise technologies of creation of information systems and tools for software development methods based on formal specifications. They will learn to design user interfaces of software products. They acquire the necessary theoretical economic and managerial skills necessary for leading large software projects. for managing large software systems.

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System Programming - NI-SP

Characteristics of specialization System Programming: The SP specialization deals with the design and development of effective system parts of applications. For this development is important both detailed knowledge of these parts and their existing designs (operating system kernels, virtual machines, compilers, automatic memory management, etc.), as well as detailed knowledge of theoretical and practical possibilities of software tools used in their development (semantics and modeling) programming languages, runtime environments, possibilities of modern optimizers). The balance of theoretical and application topics ensures understanding of the principles as well as the possibility of their application. Skills and knowledge gained in the SP specialization: Graduates will be acquainted in detail with the principles and internal structure of system parts of modern systems (OS kernels, compilers, virtual machines, runtime systems, memory management techniques and other resources), as well as tools and algorithms for their effective creation and optimization of parts of systems. Students understand the semantics of modern programming languages ??and are able to model it. They are able to design and develop components of modern operating systems, compilers and runtime support systems, including methods of automatic memory management. They will acquire knowledge of low-level programming (key parts of OS, machine code generation). They are able to analyze non-standard system requirements, design and implement their solutions.

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System Programming - MI-SP

Specialization System Programming. Acquired skills and knowledge: Graduates of the specialization "System Programming" acquire advanced knowledge in the design and implementation of programs of system components such as a compiler, interpreter, runtime environment for running applications. Means the structure of computer hardware, OS and its relation to the application software, both for workstations and for servers and embedded systems (programs to mobile phones). They have knowledge of low-level programming (programming drivers, extension modules) and handle algorithms for efficient information processing system (search, compression, declarative specification of system tasks). Description of the application in focus: Students focus System Programming find jobs in positions of programmers who develop system dependent of software, information systems and operating systems (drivers, demons). As well as applies advanced administrators complex computer systems, moreover, they will be able to analyze standard requirements and problems and propose and implement solutions. Graduates will be familiar with the detailed principles and internal structure of programming languages and compilers to be able to such a compiler design and construct and use these general formal tools for a variety of other tasks at the level of system software. Specialization Theoretical Computer Science. Specialization System Programming. Acquired skills and knowledge: Graduates of the specialization "System Programming" acquire advanced knowledge in the design and implementation of programs of system components such as a compiler, interpreter, runtime environment for running applications. Means the structure of computer hardware, OS and its relation to the application software, both for workstations and for servers and embedded systems (programs to mobile phones). They have knowledge of low-level programming (programming drivers, extension modules) and handle algorithms for efficient information processing system (search, compression, declarative specification of system tasks). Description of the application in focus: Students focus System Programming find jobs in positions of programmers who develop system dependent of software, information systems and operating systems (drivers, demons). As well as applies advanced administrators complex computer systems, moreover, they will be able to analyze standard requirements and problems and propose and implement solutions. Graduates will be familiar with the detailed principles and internal structure of programming languages and compilers to be able to such a compiler design and construct and use these general formal tools for a variety of other tasks at the level of system software. Specialization Theoretical Computer Science. Graduates of the specialization "Theoretical Computer Science" gain knowledge on practical computational methods in many sectors of informatics and besides the necessary theoretical basis which will enable them to assess potential opportunities and limitations of computational methods and select the most appropriate models and practices in specific situations. Theoretical knowledge and practical skills gain primarily in the methods of optimization and solving optimization problems in computational methods inspired by nature, the compiler technology, modeling of physical and technological processes, numerical calculations and text processing (general texts, programs, programming languages, strings of mathematical biology and the like.). They will also gain general knowledge about the different types of computations and algorithms (deterministic and probabilistic algorithms, approximate and heuristic algorithms, parallel and distributed methods) and theoretical border possibilities of computer technology. Description of the application in focus: focus Theoretical Computer Science Graduates find employment as analysts, developers and software specialists in companies and institutions engaged in research and using methods of mathematical optimization, such as transport and economics, methods of simulation of natural processes, such as geology, ecology, construction, etc., processing methods chains, including informatics problems of molecular biology, heuristic and approximate methods for solving complex problems in general. The focus is also useful as a preparation for theoretical research in computer science and as preparation for doctoral study science. Graduates are prepared to work as members of research teams developing new algorithms, computational techniques and methodologies to new challenges. Theoretical Computer Science gain knowledge on practical computational methods in many sectors of informatics and besides the necessary theoretical basis which will enable them to assess potential opportunities and limitations of computational methods and select the most appropriate models and practices in specific situations. Theoretical knowledge and practical skills gain primarily in the methods of optimization and solving optimization problems in computational methods inspired by nature, the compiler technology, modeling of physical and technological processes, numerical calculations and text processing (general texts, programs, programming languages, strings of mathematical biology and the like.). They will also gain general knowledge about the different types of computations and algorithms (deterministic and probabilistic algorithms, approximate and heuristic algorithms, parallel and distributed methods) and theoretical border possibilities of computer technology. Description of the application in focus: focus Theoretical Computer Science Graduates find employment as analysts, developers and software specialists in companies and institutions engaged in research and using methods of mathematical optimization, such as transport and economics, methods of simulation of natural processes, such as geology, ecology, construction, etc., processing methods c hains, including informatics problems of molecular biology, heuristic and approximate methods for solving complex problems in general. The focus is also useful as a preparation for theoretical research in computer science and as preparation for doctoral study science. Graduates are prepared to work as members of research teams developing new algorithms, computational techniques and methodologies to new challenges.

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Unspecified Branch/Specialisation of Study - ---

Auxiliary specialization for students who have not yet chosen a profiling specialization.

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Web and Software Engineering - MI-WSI

The graduates of the specialization SI of the branch SWI will extend their professional profile gained within the compulsary courses with the knowledge of all phases of the software systém lifecycle (analysis, design, implementation, testing, maintenance, and evolution). An important component of the study is the software project management and project team management. The focus is on team projects in which students can practise various roles in teams during the design and implementation of larger software systems. Both theoretically and practically, students get acquinted with formal notations, design methodologies (including agile programming), and supporting software tools. In team projects, students can learn various roles in a project team, when they implement large software projects. The specialization is focused on practical mastering of methods and software tools that are used during the whole software life cycle. The graduates of this branch of study will find thir jobs as programmers and team members of development teams of software companies. Also, they can be employed as administrators of large enterprise systems or in IT departments of large companies (e.g. telecommunication operators, finantial institutes, automobile factories, public administration), where they can be responsible for communication with suppliers of software systems.

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Web and Software Engineering - BI-WSI

Students of the specialization Software Engineering of the branch Software a Web Engineering will extend their professional profile gained within the compulsory courses with the knowledge of all phases of the software system lifecycle (analysis, design, implementation, testing, maintenance, and evolution). An important component of the study is the software project management and project team management. The focus is on team projects in which students can practice various roles in teams during the design and implementation of larger software systems. Both theoretically and practically, students get acquainted with formal notations, design methodologies (including agile programming), and supporting software tools. In team projects, students can learn various roles in a project team, when they implement large software projects. The specialization is focused on practical mastering of methods and software tools that are used during the whole software life cycle. The graduates of the specialization Software Engineering will find their jobs as programmers and team members of development teams of software companies. Also, they can be employed as administrators of large enterprise systems or in IT departments of large companies (e.g. telecommunication operators, financial institutes, automobile factories, public administration), where they can be responsible for communication with suppliers of software systems. Students of the specialization Web Engineering of the branch Software and Web Engineering extend their common core knowledge of informatics with the knowledge of specific architectures and technologies of the web systems that will enable them to make good web applications on both the client and the server side. Firstly, this includes basic technologies like HTTP, HTML , and XML, and secondly, algorithms and architectures for searching and indexing the web contents, dynamic programming languages, technologies of modern databases optimized for storing the web content, and the problem of scalability of systems that process huge amount of data. Students gain not only theoretical and technological background for master studies, but also important experience for the profession of web engineers. Graduates of specialization Web Engineering of the branch Software and Web Engineering can work at positions of web application engineers starting from the level of programmers of client or server application components. The specialization will provide important basis for future professional growth of graduate at positions such as architects of complex web applications capable to work with the frame of their whole life cycles, i.e., its design, implementation, testing, support, and upgrading.

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Web Engineering 2021 (in Czech) - BI-WI21

Graduates of the Web Engineering (WI) specialization will expand the common basics of computer science with specific architectures, languages ??and technologies from the field of the web, which will enable them to create modern and high-quality web systems. They will have the knowledge and skills of a so-called full-stack web developer with an overlap into server administration. They have knowledge of essential technologies and languages ??(HTTP, HTML / CSS, JavaScript, PHP / Python) and modern data formats in their profile. They have the basics of software engineering, including design methods and user interface creation. They know tools, architectures and algorithms from the field of searching / indexing content on the web and from modern databases suitable for storing large volumes of data. They have experience with proven methods of creating web applications and methods of managing web and database servers. They will gain not only the theoretical and technological foundations for further study in the master's specialization of the same name, but also important knowledge for the practice of web engineers. Graduates of the WI specialization will be able to work in the positions of developers and web application administrators, starting with the level of programmers of client or server components of applications. The WI specialization will provide graduates with an important basis for their further professional development, eg as architects of complex web applications, who will be able to work within the entire application lifecycle, ie. their design, implementation, testing, maintenance and development.

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Web Engineering - NI-WI

Characteristics of specialization Web Engineering: The WI specialization will provide both theoretical and practical knowledge of modern web architectures and technologies. The specialization reflects current trends in the development of web technologies used in the field of open web as well as in large business applications. These include, in particular, modern methods and technologies for integrating systems using new web services and middleware architectures (REST architectures, microservices), modern database system technologies (NoSQL), virtualization and cloud computing, modern approaches to represent data semantics (Linked Data) and mining. and web analytics and last but not least, modern user interface design methods. Skills and knowledge gained in the WI specialization: Graduates will acquire theoretical and technological knowledge, eg through the architecture of information systems based on modern web technologies, which will be able to use in the area of ??design, development and administration of such systems. The graduates will be able to use their knowledge not only in the overall design of the system architecture, but also in its individual parts at the user interface, application layer and data layer level, and also in the integration of systems with an understanding of individual integration layers (process, information and technology). They will also learn techniques and methods of semantizing web content, acquiring knowledge from web data and searching for structured and unstructured data and text or multimedia information on the web.

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Page updated 13. 9. 2024, semester: Z/2023-4, Z/2019-20, Z/2022-3, L/2019-20, Z,L/2020-1, Z,L/2021-2, L/2023-4, L/2022-3, Z/2024-5, send comments to the content presented here to Administrator of study plans Design and implementation: J. Novák, I. Halaška