Main page | Study Branches/Specializations | Groups of Courses | All Courses | Roles                Instructions
Description of the page:
There is a description of a general layout of a page in the Instructions.

Page layout

In the header of each page there is a menu, which can be composed of two parts. The upper part of the menu is always the same and it refers to the key pages of the White Book: Study plans, Study branches/specializations, Groups of courses and All courses. On the second line of the menu (if it exists), there are links to parent pages with respect to the current position.

Under the menu, there are sometimes shortcut links pointing inside the current page. If there is a long list on the page, the shortcut links point to the first entry beginning with the given letter. In other cases, it is a link to logical data groups (i.e. courses of one department).

At the end of the page, there is a footer indicating the date the page was updated as well as a link to the administrator of the study plans of the Faculty; it is possible to send comments concerning the content of the page directly to the administrator.     

Sample of a normal page with descriptions of the parts:

Upper menu Study Branches/specializations | ...               Instructions
The second line of the menu Overview of the study

Shortcut links D | Ř
Description of a page:
Here is a group of courses. The requirements for completing the courses as well as the role of the course in the composition of the study are visible. The list is sorted alphabetically by the code of the department and the course title.                                

Page heading

Description or Heading of a table
Minimum credits: 4   Maximum credits: 40   Minimum courses: 1 Role: SH - Compulsory-elective humanities
Description of columns
Course Course title Extend of
Completion Seme-
D04JA1 English language 1 0+0 ZK Z,L 4 4   304
Other table entries
A line starting with L[Ř]
Another line starting with A[D]

Page footer
Page updated 25. 1. 2000

Page updated 12. 2. 2025, semester: L/2020-1, L/2024-5, L/2019-20, Z,L/2023-4, Z/2022-3, Z/2021-2, Z/2024-5, Z/2019-20, Z/2020-1, L/2022-3, L/2021-2, send comments to the content presented here to Administrator of study plans Design and implementation: J. Novák, I. Halaška