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A course is the basic teaching unit, it's design as a medium for a student to acquire comprehensive knowledge and skills indispensable in the given field. A course guarantor is responsible for the factual content of the course.
For each course, there is a department responsible for the course organisation. A person responsible for timetabling for a given department sets a time schedule of teaching and for each class, s/he assigns an instructor and/or an examiner.
Expected time consumption of the course is expressed by a course attribute extent of teaching. For example, extent = 2 +2 indicates two teaching hours of lectures and two teaching hours of seminar (lab) per week.
At the end of each semester, the course instructor has to evaluate the extent to which a student has acquired the expected knowledge and skills. The type of this evaluation is indicated by the attribute completion. So, a course can be completed by just an assessment ('pouze zápočet'), by a graded assessment ('klasifikovaný zápočet'), or by just an examination ('pouze zkouška') or by an assessment and examination ('zápočet a zkouška') .
The difficulty of a given course is evaluated by the amount of ECTS credits.
The course is in session (cf. teaching is going on) during a semester. Each course is offered either in the winter ('zimní') or summer ('letní') semester of an academic year. Exceptionally, a course might be offered in both semesters.
The subject matter of a course is described in various texts.

NI-DID Digital drawing Extent of teaching: 4C
Instructor: Completion: Z
Department: 18102 Credits: 2 Semester: Z,L

The course will introduce students to the basic principals of digital drawing and graphical design. Students will gain understanding of composition, perspective and color theory, which they will practically apply in their own design works. Students will also gain experience in drawing and painting with digital and analog tools. The course is fit for anyone who wants to practice or learn drawing and painting. The course is organized as a thematic practices covering parts of theory and practical exercise to practice gained knowledge.

Lecture syllabus:
The subject does not have separate lectures, they are part of exercises.

Seminar syllabus:
Each exercise contains theoretical intro to different subjects and time for practical exercise to practice the techniques of drawing and painting. Creative exercises focus more on the practice part of the learning and feedback.
1. Creativity and introduction to Procreate
2. Composition
3. Perspective
4. Shading and exercise
5. Character design
6. Speed sketching
7. Color theory and contrast
8. Graphic principles
9. Typography and calligraphy
10. Branding


znalost AJ

Informace o předmětu a výukové materiály naleznete na // Předmět je vyučován anglicky.

The course is also part of the following Study plans:
Study Plan Study Branch/Specialization Role Recommended semester
NI-PB.2020 Computer Security V Není
NI-ZI.2020 Knowledge Engineering V Není
NI-SPOL.2020 Unspecified Branch/Specialisation of Study V Není
NI-TI.2020 Computer Science V Není
NI-TI.2023 Computer Science V Není
NI-NPVS.2020 Design and Programming of Embedded Systems V Není
NI-PSS.2020 Computer Systems and Networks V Není
NI-MI.2020 Managerial Informatics V Není
NI-SI.2020 Software Engineering (in Czech) V Není
NI-SP.2020 System Programming V Není
NI-WI.2020 Web Engineering V Není
NI-SP.2023 System Programming V Není
NIE-SI.21 Software Engineering 2021 V Není
NIE-TI.21 Computer Science 2021 V Není
NIE-DBE.2023 Digital Business Engineering V Není
NIE-NPVS.21 Design and Programming of Embedded Systems 2021 V Není
NIE-PSS.21 Computer Systems and Networks 2021 V Není
NIE-PB.21 Computer Security 2021 V Není

Page updated 8. 5. 2024, semester: Z/2024-5, Z/2019-20, Z/2020-1, L/2023-4, L/2020-1, Z,L/2022-3, L/2019-20, Z/2021-2, Z/2023-4, L/2021-2, Send comments to the content presented here to Administrator of study plans Design and implementation: J. Novák, I. Halaška