Main page | Study Branches/Specializations | Groups of Courses | All Courses | Roles                Instructions

A | B | C | D | E | H | I | K | L | M | P | R | S | U | W | X
A group consists of courses that have the same role in a study plan. A group thus facilitates the requirement on credits to be acquired in a prescribed structure for a study plan. Hence, a student just cannot accumulate the required amount of credits required by the study plan; s/he must meet the requirements of each group of courses of a given study plan.
       Each student has to complete either at least a prescribed minimum (amount of) credits or to successfully complete a prescribed minimum (amount of) courses for a given group.
If a group has defined a minimum amount of credits = total amount of credits that can be obtained from the group, the student must successfully complete all the courses of the group. Such a group of courses has its role marked as 'compulsory'. If a group has defined a minimum amount of credits < total amount of credits obtainable from the group, such a situation is referred to as a group with an obligation to choose and complete at least the minimally set amount of credits. Similarly for courses.
If a group has defined a minimum amount of credits = 0 and a minimum number of courses = 0 at the same time, then the courses in the given group are elective.
Ifa a group has defined a minimum amount of credits < maximum amount of credits < total amount of credits obtainable from the group, then credits earned earned above the minimum amount of credits are seen as elective and credits above the maximum amount of credits from a given group do not count.
For ease of reference, each group has a role of the courses in the given study plan assigned next to its name.
The list is sorted alphabetically by the Department code and Course title.
Group: Elective Vocational Courses for Bachelor Specialisation BI-WSI-SI, Version 2017
Min. credits: 0   Credits total: 20   Min. courses: 0 Role: V - elective courses
Course Course title Extend of
BI-TIS Information Systems Design 2P+1C Z,ZK Z 3 5 Náplava P. 18102
BI-MGA Multimedia and Graphics Applications 2P+2C Z,ZK Z 3 5 18102
BI-PYT Python Programming 2P+2C Z,ZK L 3 4 18102
BI-XML XML Technology 2P+2C Z,ZK L,Z 3 4 18102
BI-JPO Computer Units 2P+2C Z,ZK Z 3 5 18103
BI-APS.1 Architectures of Computer Systems 2P+2C Z,ZK Z 3 5 18104
BI-ADW.1 Windows Administration 2P+1C Z,ZK Z 3 4 Kašpar J., Prágl M. 18104
BI-AG2 Algorithms and Graphs 2 2P+2C Z,ZK L 4 5 18101
BI-PJP Programming Languages and Compilers 2P+1C Z,ZK L 4 5 18101
BI-PRP Law and business 2P+1R Z,ZK L 4 4 Kučera Z., Samek M. 18102
BI-VWM Searching the Web and Multimedia Databases 2P+1C Z,ZK L 4 5 18102
BI-VES Embedded Systems 2P+2C Z,ZK L 4 5 18103
BI-TUR User Interface Design 2P+2C Z,ZK L 4 4 18103
BI-ADU.1 Unix Administration 2P+2C Z,ZK L 4 5 18104
BI-ZUM Artificial Intelligence Fundamentals 2P+2C Z,ZK L 4 4 Surynek P. 18105
BI-BEK Secure Code 2P+2C Z,ZK L 4 5 18106
BI-PGR.1 Computer graphics programming 2P+2C Z,ZK L 5 5 18102
BI-BIG DB Technologies for Big Data 2P+2C KZ Z 5 4 Borkovcová M., Gattermayer J. 18102
BI-PGA Programming of graphic applications 2P+2C Z,ZK Z 5 5 Chludil J., Richtr R. 18102
BI-TWA.1 Web Application Design 2P+2C Z,ZK Z 5 5 Bernhauer D. 18102
BI-ZRS Basics of System Control 2P+2C Z,ZK Z 5 4 18103
BI-PNO Practical Digital Design 2P+2C KZ Z 5 5 Novotný M. 18103
BI-SRC Real-time systems 2P+2C KZ Z 5 4 Kubátová H. 18103
BI-VZD Data Mining 2P+2C Z,ZK L,Z 5 4 Klouda K., Vašata D. 18105
BI-ZNS Knowledge-based Systems 2P+2C Z,ZK Z 5 5 Jiřina M. 18105
BI-HWB Hardware Security 2P+2C Z,ZK Z 5 5 Buček J., Lórencz R. 18106
BI-SSB System and Network Security 2P+2C Z,ZK Z 5 5 Dostál J. 18106

Všechny povinné předměty oborů a zaměření s výjimkou tohoto zaměření

Page updated 8. 5. 2024, semester: Z/2024-5, Z/2019-20, Z/2020-1, L/2023-4, L/2020-1, Z,L/2022-3, L/2019-20, Z/2021-2, Z/2023-4, L/2021-2, Send comments to the content presented here toAdministrator of study plans Design and implementation: J. Novák, I. Halaška