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Recommended course of study (passage) in a study plan

Teaching is divided into semesters following a given study plan. Standard study period is six semesters for the bachelor study program, four semesters for the master study program. If a student wants to successfully complete the studies within the standard study period, s/he must register for courses for about 30 credits in each semester; core of the courses should consist of compulsory and compulsory-elective courses. Students should also consider a reasonable distribution of the courses into the semesters (i.e., avoid having 5 demanding courses in one semester). For this reason, branch/specialization guarantor designs a recommended course of study (passage) in a given study plan for each study plan of a given branch/specialization. It is essentially a recommendation to a student when to register for particular course. For each semester of the study plan, the branch/specialization guarantor indicates:
  • specific courses that a student must complete during the studies,
  • references to groups of courses, from which a student has to choose courses for at least the specified minimum amount of credits.
  • Master programme - Computer Science 2021

    Study plan: Master specialization Computer Science, in English, 2024
    Recommended passage: Master specialization Computer Science, in English, 2024

    1. semester
    Role Course code Course title Extend of teaching Completion Semester Credits Instructor Dept.
    PP NIE-MPI Mathematics for Informatics 3P+2C Z,ZK Z 7 Dolce F. 18105
    PS NIE-CPX Complexity Theory 3P+1C Z,ZK Z 5 Knop D., Suchý O. 18101
    PS NIE-EVY Efficient Text Pattern Matching 2P+1C Z,ZK Z 5 Holub J. 18101
    PS NIE-LOM Linear Optimization and Methods 2P+0S+1C Z,ZK Z 5 Knop D. 18101
    PS NIE-SYP Parsing and Compilers 2P+1C Z,ZK Z 5 Janoušek J. 18101
    VO   Elective Vocational Courses for Master Specialization Computer Science          
    V   Purely Elective Master Courses, Version 2021/22 till 2024/25          

    2. semester
    Role Course code Course title Extend of teaching Completion Semester Credits Instructor Dept.
    PP NIE-PDP Parallel and Distributed Programming 2P+2C Z,ZK L 6 Tvrdík P. 18104
    PP NIE-VSM Selected statistical Methods 4P+2C Z,ZK L 7 Novák P. 18105
    PS NIE-KOD Data Compression 2P+1C Z,ZK L 5 Holub J. 18101
    PS NIE-GAK Graph theory and combinatorics 2P+2C Z,ZK L 5 Opler M. 18101
    PS NIE-PAM Parameterized Algorithms 2P+1C Z,ZK L 4 Suchý O. 18101
    VO   Elective Vocational Courses for Master Specialization Computer Science          
    V   Purely Elective Master Courses, Version 2021/22 till 2024/25          

    3. semester
    Role Course code Course title Extend of teaching Completion Semester Credits Instructor Dept.
    PP NIE-MPR Master Project Z Z,L 7 18000
    PP NIE-KOP Combinatorial Optimization 3P+1C Z,ZK Z 6 Fišer P., Schmidt J. 18103
    VO   Elective Vocational Courses for Master Specialization Computer Science          
    V   Purely Elective Master Courses, Version 2021/22 till 2024/25          

    4. semester
    Role Course code Course title Extend of teaching Completion Semester Credits Instructor Dept.
    PP NIE-DIP Diploma Project 270ZP Z L,Z 30 18000

    In each semester enroll in elective vocational or purely elective courses so that you gain a total of at least 120 credits and that the load is evenly distributed between semesters. That means an average of 30 credits per semester.

    Page updated 11. 3. 2025, semester: L/2021-2, Z/2024-5, L/2023-4, L/2024-5, Z,L/2022-3, Z/2021-2, Z/2023-4, Send comments to the content presented here to Administrator of study plans Design and implementation: J. Novák, I. Halaška