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Recommended course of study (passage) in a study plan

Teaching is divided into semesters following a given study plan. Standard study period is six semesters for the bachelor study program, four semesters for the master study program. If a student wants to successfully complete the studies within the standard study period, s/he must register for courses for about 30 credits in each semester; core of the courses should consist of compulsory and compulsory-elective courses. Students should also consider a reasonable distribution of the courses into the semesters (i.e., avoid having 5 demanding courses in one semester). For this reason, branch/specialization guarantor designs a recommended course of study (passage) in a given study plan for each study plan of a given branch/specialization. It is essentially a recommendation to a student when to register for particular course. For each semester of the study plan, the branch/specialization guarantor indicates:
  • specific courses that a student must complete during the studies,
  • references to groups of courses, from which a student has to choose courses for at least the specified minimum amount of credits.
  • Bachelor programme - Software Engineering 2021 (in Czech)

    Study plan: Bachelor Specialization Software Engineering, part-time, in Czech, 2021
    Recommended passage: Bachelor specialization Software Engineering, part-time, in Czech, 2021

    1. semester
    Role Course code Course title Extend of teaching Completion Semester Credits Instructor Dept.
    PP BIK-PA1.21 Programming and Algorithmics 1 14KP+8KC Z,ZK Z 7 Hušek R. 18101
    PP BIK-GIT.21 SW Development Technologies 14KP Z Z 3 Pulc P. 18102
    PP BIK-TZP.21 Technological Fundamentals of Computers 14KP+4KC Z,ZK Z 5 Daňhel M., Hyniová K. 18103
    PP BIK-UOS.21 Unix-like Operating Systems 14KP+4KC KZ Z 5 Zemánek P. 18104
    PP BIK-DML.21 Discrete Mathematics and Logic 14KP+4KC Z,ZK Z 5 Pernecká E. 18105
    PP BIK-LA1.21 Linear Algebra 1 14KP+4KC Z,ZK Z 5 Klouda K. 18105

    2. semester
    Role Course code Course title Extend of teaching Completion Semester Credits Instructor Dept.
    PP BIK-PA2.21 Programming and Algorithmics 2 14KP+6KC Z,ZK L 7 Hušek R., Kolomazníková B., Štorc O. 18101
    PP BIK-DBS.21 Database Systems 14KP+6KC Z,ZK L 5 Borkovcová M., Valenta M. 18102
    PP BIK-SAP.21 Computer Structure and Architecture 14KP+6KC Z,ZK L 5 Daňhel M. 18103
    PP BIK-PSI.21 Computer Networks 14KP+4KC Z,ZK L 5 Smotlacha V., Trofimova Y. 18104
    PP BIK-MA1.21 Mathematical Analysis 1 14KP+4KC Z,ZK L 5 Olšák P. 18105
    V   Purely Elective Courses of Bachelor Programme, part-time Study, Version 2021 till 2024       3    

    3. semester
    Role Course code Course title Extend of teaching Completion Semester Credits Instructor Dept.
    PP BIK-AG1.21 Algorithms and Graphs 1 14KP+4KC Z,ZK Z 5 Hušek R. 18101
    PP BIK-AAG.21 Automata and Grammars 14KP+4KC Z,ZK Z 5 Plachý Š. 18101
    PP BIK-MA2.21 Mathematical Analysis 2 21KP+4KC Z,ZK Z 6 Olšák P. 18105
    PS BIK-PPA.21 Programming Paradigms 14KP+4KC Z,ZK Z 5 Janoušek J. 18101
    PS BIK-IDO.21 Introduction to DevOps 14KP+4KC Z,ZK Z 5 Mlejnek J., Vondra T. 18102
    PS BIK-TJV.21 Java Technology 14KP+4KC Z,ZK Z 5 Daněček J. 18102

    4. semester
    Role Course code Course title Extend of teaching Completion Semester Credits Instructor Dept.
    PP BIK-OSY.21 Operating Systems 14KP+4KC Z,ZK L 5 Šoch M., Trdlička J., Tvrdík P. 18104
    PP BIK-KAB.21 Cryptography and Security 14KP+4KC Z,ZK L 5 Dostál J., Lórencz R. 18106
    PS BIK-SWI.21 Software Engineering 14KP+2KC Z,ZK L 5 Mlejnek J., Rybola Z. 18102
    PS BIK-SP1.21 Team Software Project 1 8KC KZ 5 18102
    PV   Compulsory elective courses of the specialization Software engineering, part-time study,version 2021       5    
    V   Purely Elective Courses of Bachelor Programme, part-time Study, Version 2021 till 2024       4    

    5. semester
    Role Course code Course title Extend of teaching Completion Semester Credits Instructor Dept.
    PP BIK-BPR.21 Bachelor project Z Z,L 1 Muzikář Z. 18000
    PP BIK-PST.21 Probability and Statistics 14KP+4KC Z,ZK Z 5 Vašata D. 18105
    PS BIK-OOP.21 Object-Oriented Programming 14KP+4KC Z,ZK Z 5 Křikava F. 18101
    PS BIK-KOM.21 Conceptual Modelling 14KP+4KC Z,ZK Z 5 Bettaz M. 18102
    PS BIK-SP2.21 Team Software Project 2 4KC KZ 5 18102
    V   Purely Elective Courses of Bachelor Programme, part-time Study, Version 2021 till 2024       9    

    6. semester
    Role Course code Course title Extend of teaching Completion Semester Credits Instructor Dept.
    PP BI-BAP.21 Bachelor Thesis Z L,Z 14 18000
    PP BIK-TDP.21 Documentation and Presentation 14KP+4KC KZ Z,L 3 Vynikarová D. 18102
    PJ   English Language Exam       2    
    V   Purely Elective Courses of Bachelor Programme, part-time Study, Version 2021 till 2024       11    

    Vedle čistě volitelných předmětů si můžete zapsat jako volitelné předměty i povinné předměty sousedních specializací.
    Chcete-li splnit skupinu "BI-ZKA.21 Zkouška z angličtiny 2021" předložením certifikátu, který prokazuje vaši znalost angličtiny srovnatelnou nebo převyšující úroveň B2 Společného evropského referenčního rámce pro jazyky, můžete tak učinit v kterémkoliv aktivním semestru během studia.

    Page updated 14. 3. 2025, semester: Z/2023-4, Z/2021-2, L/2022-3, Z,L/2024-5, Z/2022-3, L/2021-2, L/2023-4, Send comments to the content presented here to Administrator of study plans Design and implementation: J. Novák, I. Halaška