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The program Informatics, valid until 2024 | Study branch/specialization

Study plan

For each branch/specialization and form of study, there is at least one study plan. A study plan is a list of courses that enable the student to acquire the knowledge and skills of the given study branch/specialization. Each course is assigned a certain amount of credits, based on its difficulty. In order to meet the assigned study plan, a student must obtain at least the prescribed amount of credits indicated by the plan's limit in a prescribed structure of the study plan. The limit is by rule 180 credits for Bachelor programs and 120 credits for Master programs.
The courses in a plan are arranged into groups based on the role the given course plays in the study plan. Such groups are, for instance, a group of compulsory courses of a program (a theoretical base of the given program), a group of compulsory courses of a branch/specialization, a group of compulsory courses of a specialization, a group of courses in humanities and a group of courses in economics and management.
It is not enough for a student to accumulate the amount of credits prescribed by the study plan; all the requirements for each group need to be fulfilled.
For each group, it is required to obtain at least the prescribed minimum (amount of) credits or to successfully complete the prescribed minimum (amount of) courses.
   If a group has defined a minimum amount of credits = total amount of credits that can be obtained from the group, the student must successfully complete all the courses of the group. Such a group of courses has its role marked as 'compulsory'. If a group has defined a minimum (amount of) credits < total amount of credits obtainable from the group, such a situation is referred to as a group with an obligation to choose and complete at least the minimum (amount of) credits (and similarly for courses).
If a group has defined a minimum (amount of) credits = 0 and a minimum (amount of) courses = 0 at the same time, then the courses in the given group are elective.
If a group has defined a minimum (amount of) credits < maximum (amount of) credits < total amount of credits in a group, then credits earned from the given group that are above the minimum amount of credits are seen as elective and credits above the maximum (amount of) credits from a given group do not count.
For ease of reference, each group has - next to its name - also a role the courses play in the given study plan.

Master programme - Web and Software Engineering

Study plan: Master branch Web and Software Engineering, spec. Info. Systems and Management, in Czech, 2016-2019
Minimum credits: 120
Recommended course of study (passage) in a given study plan
Master branch Web and Software Engineering, spec. Info. Systems and Management, in Czech, 2016-2019
Group Min.
Compulsory Courses of Master Study Program, Version 2016, in Czech 54 54 6 PP - compulsory courses for the programme
Compulsory Courser of Specialization Web and Software Engineering, in Czech, Version 2016 5 5 1 PO - compulsory courses in the field
Addition to compulsory subjects of master specialisation Information systems and management 4 9 1 PZ - compulsory courses in the focus area
Compulsory Courses of Specialization Information Systems and Management, version 2016, in Czech 28 28 6 PZ - compulsory courses in the focus area
Compulsory Elective Master Economics and Management Courses , in Czech, Ver. 2016 2 6 1 VE - elective economics and management courses from a compulsory group of courses
Compulsory Elective Master Humanity Courses, Inclusive of Non-garanted Courses, Ver. 2016, in Czech 3 6 1 VH - elective humanities courses from a compulsory group of courses
Elective Master Courses for Specialization Information Systems and Management, Presented in Czech 0 20 0 V - elective courses
Elective Vocational Courses for Master Specialisation MI-WSI-ISM, version 2017 0 22 0 V - elective courses
Purely Elective Master Courses, Version 2017 0 0 0 V - elective courses

Tato verze studijního plánu je určena pro ročník, který byl přijat ke studiu v akademickém roce 2016/2017 do prezenční formy studia magisterského programu.

Page updtaed 14. 9. 2024, semester: Z/2020-1, L/2019-20, L/2021-2, L/2022-3, Z,L/2023-4, Z/2024-5, Z/2021-2, L/2020-1, Z/2019-20, Z/2022-3, Send comments to the content presented here to Administrator of Study Plans Design and implementation: J. Novák, I. Halaška