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Students enroll into one of the study programs accredited at the Faculty. Within each program, there is a set of study branches/specializations. Each of the branches/specializations can be studied either in a full-time form of study or in a part-time form.
For each branch/specialization and form of study, there is at least one study plan, which is essentially a list of courses a student has to complete. Each course is assigned a certain amount of credits, based on its difficulty. In order to meet the assigned study plan, a student must obtained at least the prescribed amount of credits indicated by the plan's limit in a prescribed structure of the study plan. The limit is by rule 180 credits for Bachelor programs and 120 credits for Master programs.
The courses in a plan are arranged into groups based on the role the given course plays in the study plan. Such groups are, for instance, a group of compulsory courses of a program (a theoretical base of the given program), a group of compulsory courses of a branch/specialization, a group of compulsory courses of a specialization, a group of courses in humanities and a group of courses in economics and management.
Prescribed structure: For each group, it is required to gain at least a prescribed number of credits or a required number of courses. For ease of reference, each group has its role in the study plan indicated next to the name of the group.

Study programs

Current study programs

presented in czech

Informatika, bachelor - B0613A140029
Informatika, master - N0613A140001

presented in english

Informatics, bachelor - B0613A140030
Informatics, master - N0613A140024

Phasing out study programs

presented in czech

Informatics, valid until 2024, bachelor - B1801
Informatics, valid until 2024, master - N1801

presented in english

Informatics, valid until 2024, bachelor - B1801

Page updated 15. 10. 2024, semester: Z/2024-5, L/2019-20, Z,L/2022-3, Z/2023-4, Z/2019-20, Z,L/2021-2, L/2020-1, L/2023-4, Z/2020-1, send comments to the content presented here to Administrator of study plans Design and implementation: J. Novák, I. Halaška