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A course is the basic teaching unit, it's design as a medium for a student to acquire comprehensive knowledge and skills indispensable in the given field. A course guarantor is responsible for the factual content of the course.
For each course, there is a department responsible for the course organisation. A person responsible for timetabling for a given department sets a time schedule of teaching and for each class, s/he assigns an instructor and/or an examiner.
Expected time consumption of the course is expressed by a course attribute extent of teaching. For example, extent = 2 +2 indicates two teaching hours of lectures and two teaching hours of seminar (lab) per week.
At the end of each semester, the course instructor has to evaluate the extent to which a student has acquired the expected knowledge and skills. The type of this evaluation is indicated by the attribute completion. So, a course can be completed by just an assessment ('pouze zápočet'), by a graded assessment ('klasifikovaný zápočet'), or by just an examination ('pouze zkouška') or by an assessment and examination ('zápočet a zkouška') .
The difficulty of a given course is evaluated by the amount of ECTS credits.
The course is in session (cf. teaching is going on) during a semester. Each course is offered either in the winter ('zimní') or summer ('letní') semester of an academic year. Exceptionally, a course might be offered in both semesters.
The subject matter of a course is described in various texts.

BIK-BPR.21 Bachelor project Extent of teaching:
Instructor: Muzikář Z. Completion: Z
Department: 18000 Credits: 1 Semester: Z,L

1. At the beginning of the semester, the student reserves the topic of the bachelor's thesis and connects with the supervisor. He / she will arrange the partial tasks that he / she will perform during the semester to process the assignment. If he completes these tasks, the supervisor will award him a credit from the subject BI-BPR at the end of the semester.
2. The external supervisor enters the information on granting the credit using the form "Granting credit from the external supervisor of the final thesis" ( The completed and signed form will be handed over by the student to the head of the Department of Defense, who will record the credit in KOS.
3. If the topic of the work that the student has reserved is formulated more generally, the tasks assigned to him by the supervisor for the semester should be aimed primarily at fine-tuning the assignment so that the assignment can be supplemented and approved at the end of the semester.

Lecture syllabus:
This is a project course that does not have regular lessons.

Seminar syllabus:
This is a project course that does not have regular lessons.



Informace o předmětu a výukové materiály naleznete na
1. Student si na začátku semestru rezervuje téma bakalářské práce a spojí se s vedoucím práce. Domluví si dílčí úkoly, které na zpracování zadání vykoná během semestru. Pokud tyto úkoly splní, udělí mu vedoucí práce na konci semestru zápočet z předmětu BI-BPR.
2. Externí vedoucí práce zadá informaci o udělení zápočtu pomocí formuláře "Udělení zápočtu od externího vedoucího závěrečné práce" ( Vyplněný a podepsaný formulář předá student vedoucímu katedry obhajoby, který zápočet v KOSu zaznamená.
3. Je-li téma práce, které si student rezervoval, formulováno obecněji, měly by úkoly, které mu vedoucí na semestr uloží, směřovat primárně k doladění zadání tak, aby mohlo být zadání práce koncem semestru doplněno a schváleno.

The course is also part of the following Study plans:
Study Plan Study Branch/Specialization Role Recommended semester
BIK-IB.21 Information Security 2021 (in Czech) PP 5
BIK-SPOL.21 Unspecified Branch/Specialisation of Study PP 5
BIK-PV.21 Computer Systems and Virtualization 2021 (in Czech) PP 5
BIK-PS.21 Computer Networks and Internet 2021 (in Czech) PP 5
BIK-SI.21 Software Engineering 2021 (in Czech) PP 5

Page updated 23. 4. 2024, semester: Z/2024-5, Z,L/2022-3, Z/2019-20, Z,L/2021-2, Z,L/2023-4, L/2019-20, Z,L/2020-1, Send comments to the content presented here to Administrator of study plans Design and implementation: J. Novák, I. Halaška