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A course is the basic teaching unit, it's design as a medium for a student to acquire comprehensive knowledge and skills indispensable in the given field. A course guarantor is responsible for the factual content of the course.
For each course, there is a department responsible for the course organisation. A person responsible for timetabling for a given department sets a time schedule of teaching and for each class, s/he assigns an instructor and/or an examiner.
Expected time consumption of the course is expressed by a course attribute extent of teaching. For example, extent = 2 +2 indicates two teaching hours of lectures and two teaching hours of seminar (lab) per week.
At the end of each semester, the course instructor has to evaluate the extent to which a student has acquired the expected knowledge and skills. The type of this evaluation is indicated by the attribute completion. So, a course can be completed by just an assessment ('pouze zápočet'), by a graded assessment ('klasifikovaný zápočet'), or by just an examination ('pouze zkouška') or by an assessment and examination ('zápočet a zkouška') .
The difficulty of a given course is evaluated by the amount of ECTS credits.
The course is in session (cf. teaching is going on) during a semester. Each course is offered either in the winter ('zimní') or summer ('letní') semester of an academic year. Exceptionally, a course might be offered in both semesters.
The subject matter of a course is described in various texts.

BI-SEP World Economy and Business Extent of teaching: 2P+2C
Instructor: Evan T. Completion: Z,ZK
Department: 18102 Credits: 4 Semester: L

This course is presented in Czech. The course introduces students of technical university to the international business. It does that predominantly by comparing individual countries and key regions of world economy. Students get to know about different religions and cultures, necessary for doing business in diverse societies as well as indexes of economic freedom, corruption and economic development, which are needed for the right investment decision. Seminars help to improve on the knowledge in the form of discussions based on individual readings. It is advised to take bachelor level of this course BIE-SEP as a prerequisite.

Lecture syllabus:
1. Introduction to course. International economic relation, Definition of terms;
2. World before global economy, Economic liberalism,
3. Pax Britannica, gold standard and first wave of globalization agents of bank and businessmen in British Empire
4. International economic system: establishing financial institutions (GATT/WTO, MMF)
5. Pax Americana, Breton Wood system a rise of multinational corporations (MNCs)
6. European economic renaissance and creation of EHS, its position in world economy
7. World before and after oil crisis of 1973: end of Breton Wood system
8. The origins of international capital mobility, from banks to MNCs and FDI in 1980s;
9. The end of the socialist economies and transition strategies (Shock Therapy vs. Gradualism Approach), their reintroduction into world economy
10. Liberalisation of capital movement regimes, Financial institutions and International mobility of capital and financial crisis of 1990s (Mexico, Brazil, East Asia, Argentina)
11. World economy centres: European monetary union and European economic policies
12. World economy centres: USA and NAFTA
13. World economy centres: China, Japan and APEC

Seminar syllabus:
1. Liberální versus protekcionistické teorie I., původ, praktické ukázky a politické konotace
2. Liberální versus protekcionistické teorie II., jejich vliv na obchodní politiku. Dopady daní a cel.
3. Zahraniční obchod (ZO) jako výrazný faktor ekonomického růstu země, Výpočty absolutní a komparativní výhody, H-O model mezinárodního obchodu
4. Měnová hospodářská politika I., praktické dopady zlatého standardu, speciálních práv čerpání (SDRs), pevného a plovoucího měnového kurzu.
5. Měnová hospodářská politika II., zahraniční zadluženost a investiční pozice země. Interakce měnového kurzu a platební bilance.
6. Praktická část semestrální práce ? PC lab, regrese a korelace
7. Test I.
8. Mezinárodní dělba práce, Měření dopadů pohybu práce a kapitálu, investiční pobídky
9. Životaneschopnost centrálního plánu a ne-liberálního ekonomického systému, dopady administrativního ovlivňování cen, soběstačnosti (tzv. autarkie) a cel
10. Nástin modelu IS-LM, trade-off mezi kapitálovými krizemi a kontrolou kapitálových toků
11. Výhody ekonomické integrace, svobodné obchodní zóny (NAFTA) versus celní unie (EU)
12. Prezentace seminárních prací
13. Test II.

Štěrbová, L., Mezinárodní obchod ve světové krizi 21. století, Praha 2013. Cavusgil, S.T., Knight, G., Rieselberger, J., International Business: The New Realities, 2013. Cihelková, E., Světová ekonomika ? nové jevy a perspektivy, Praha 2006. Evan, T., Chapters of European Economic History, Praha 2014. Kubišta, V., Mezinárodní ekonomické vztahy, Praha 1999.

Student needs to create and present working paper of specific structure to pass. There are semestral paper and its presentation (35+5 percent), two written exams (20 and 30 percent) of a mix of multiple-choice and open-ended questions. Active participation during seminars is also required (10 out of 100 percent).

Informace o předmětu a výukové materiály naleznete na
Na tento předmět navazuje v magisterském studiu předmět Světová ekonomika a podníkání II.

The course is also part of the following Study plans:
Study Plan Study Branch/Specialization Role Recommended semester
BI-ISM.2015 Information Systems and Management VE 4
BI-SPOL.2015 Unspecified Branch/Specialisation of Study VE 4
BI-WSI-PG.2015 Web and Software Engineering VE 4
BI-WSI-WI.2015 Web and Software Engineering VE 4
BI-WSI-SI.2015 Web and Software Engineering VE 4
BI-ZI.2018 Knowledge Engineering VE 4
BI-PI.2015 Computer engineering VE 4
BI-TI.2015 Computer Science VE 4
BI-BIT.2015 Computer Security and Information technology VE 4
BI-BIT.2015 Computer Security and Information technology V 4

Page updated 19. 4. 2024, semester: L/2020-1, L/2021-2, Z/2023-4, Z/2024-5, Z/2019-20, Z/2022-3, L/2019-20, L/2022-3, Z/2020-1, Z/2021-2, L/2023-4, Send comments to the content presented here to Administrator of study plans Design and implementation: J. Novák, I. Halaška